The earth laughs in flowers. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Bouquet Service
Welcome to our CSA floral bouquet service! Our CSA of flowers has a limited number of subribers each season. What is a CSA? Community-Supported Agriculture or cropsharing, is a system that connects the producer and consumers within the farm system more closely by allowing the consumer to subscribe to the harvest of a certain farm. Each week, for ten weeks, you will receive a bouquet using our seasonal, sustainably grown flowers starting in mid June through mid August. Our bouquets are very full and luxurious no matter what option you choose. The first few weeks will be filled with peonies, columbines, ranunculus, anemones and other spring flowers. The mid summer portion will be loaded with snapdragons, hydrangeas, zinnias and other summer perennials like yarrow and astilbe. Your late summer bouquets will feature dahlias, sunflowers, celosia, amaranth, zinnias and other annuals. We accept cash or checks mailed to Folls Flowers 4396 Harter Rd Auburn, NY 13021. We appreciate you continued support to our family farm.
These options are available for farm pick up each week.
These options include a custom made bouquet to your specifications.
This is our signature curated bouquet filled with perfect flowers picked at their prime. You will receive ten extra large bouquets which will include some of the more rare and unusual flowers we grow along with all the favorite varieties.
The cost for ten weeks is $630.40 including tax.
A large curated bouquet filled with a variety of gorgeous flowers that abound our many fields and gardens.
The cost for ten weeks is $500.80 including tax.
Pick up Location in Skaneateles.
Wednesday 10-6
26 State St
Front porch
A perfect bouquet of freshly harvested blooms to brighten your home or office. Pick up is Wednesday from 10-6. You choose the bouquet you like. Selection is based on a first come basis. These bouquets are ready to place in your favorite vase or to give a friend. They are protected by a craft paper sleeve.The cost is $345.60 for ten weeks including tax.